Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Days like today I spend more time thinking and overanalyzing than I do anything else. My chest hurts now. I hope the two are related.

Monday, March 7, 2011


So many choices to make in the coming months. I've been poring extensively over joining the military. I've always wanted to but I have so many responsibilities to factor into any decisions I make. I have a wife to look after, 3 dogs, a house, an education to finish. The positives are always heavy in the back of my mind though. Extra income, health insurance, monetary assistance for college, experience. Nothing I do now comes without negative repercussions,  I know I would hate leaving Kara and the dogs behind for a few months. Plus I would have to take off a quarter or two from school.
Another decision is when to take the police academy. Do I go this summer and put the military off until next year? Do I wait until I figure out the military situation and go in the winter?  I know I need to do something. Staying up until 3 am and sleeping until 2pm has to stop. Not because i'm lazy or anything, I just get so damn bored. There is nothing to do besides sleep that late. I hate it. It really becomes a vicious cycle, the more ya sleep, the later you're awake, repeat. I have to get up for school in 5 hours, it's really going to be tough. =[

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The dog days are over

It's been nearly 2 months since i've last posted. I feel like a negligent parent, except I wouldn't compare this blog to a child, or a pet. Perhaps a plant. I've left the leaves of my blog to wilt.
It's been a wild few months. I couldn't recant it all if I tried. Besides the wedding nothing significant has really happened. Been trudging along in school, Douglas moved out, we had a great reception party, my cousin married my best pals sister. Just a bunch of random stuff.

What I really want to talk about are the people who surround me. I have so many people in my corner looking out for me. This weekend in Vegas really proved that. I've got my wife, my brothers, my sister, my best pal Doug, my mother, father, sister, 2 grandmothers, and 2 grandfather in laws who have made it known that they really care about me and my well being. Being able to spend my wedding day/weekend with these people really warmed my heart. So many people made sacrifices to be there, to send a gift, to send a card, to just wish us well. I'm still attempting to comprehend it all. I knew people loved us but sheesh. It really warms your heart and gives one a strong sense of security.

I'm just glad to be back home at this point, laying in bed, staring at this screen, knowing i'll wake up and feel this feeling again tomorrow.