Monday, March 7, 2011


So many choices to make in the coming months. I've been poring extensively over joining the military. I've always wanted to but I have so many responsibilities to factor into any decisions I make. I have a wife to look after, 3 dogs, a house, an education to finish. The positives are always heavy in the back of my mind though. Extra income, health insurance, monetary assistance for college, experience. Nothing I do now comes without negative repercussions,  I know I would hate leaving Kara and the dogs behind for a few months. Plus I would have to take off a quarter or two from school.
Another decision is when to take the police academy. Do I go this summer and put the military off until next year? Do I wait until I figure out the military situation and go in the winter?  I know I need to do something. Staying up until 3 am and sleeping until 2pm has to stop. Not because i'm lazy or anything, I just get so damn bored. There is nothing to do besides sleep that late. I hate it. It really becomes a vicious cycle, the more ya sleep, the later you're awake, repeat. I have to get up for school in 5 hours, it's really going to be tough. =[

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